Yunya Liu, (, Xiangtan University, China
Chihou Lei, (, Saint Louis University, USA
Scope and topics:
Multi-field couplings in ferroelectrics and electroceramics are the key to underpinning multifunctional behaviors and directly determining the application. For instance, the piezoelectric and flexoelectric effects induced by coupling between electrical and mechanical fields are critical to the designs of actuators, sensors, and energy harvesters. Electrocaloric and pyroelectric effects due to the coupling between electrical and thermal fields have become vital to solid-state cooling and infrared detection for the next generation of solid-state cooling. Recently, the new phenomenal magnetoelectric and photovoltaic effects induced by multiple physical fields have promoted the new application of ferroelectrics and electroceramics.
This Symposium aims to bring together experts from academia and industry to exchange ideas, discuss issues, and promote collaborations in Multi-field couplings in ferroelectrics and electroceramics.
The topics of this Symposium include (but are not limited to) theories, experiments, and simulations in:
(1) Piezoelectric and flexoelectric effects (Coupling between electrical and mechanical fields)
(2) Electrocaloric and pyroelectric effects (Coupling between electrical and thermal fields)
(3) Magnetoelectric effect (Coupling between electrical and magnetic fields)
(4) Photovoltaic effect
(5) Other Multi-field couplings in ferroelectrics and electroceramics
List of keynote and invited speakers (to be updated):